With great honor we would like to inform you that we will be performing at Roadburn Festival's online event this April with a specially commissioned piece.
We're very excited we got the chance to write new music for you. It's been amazing to have something as special as Roadburn to look forward to over the
the past few months.
Read Roadburn's announcement here:
As GOLD found their sealegs, they blossomed into a band that is committed to forging ever-forward with a fearlessness and experimentalism that makes
them so distinctive. Back in 2013 they were showcased as our 'Roadburn presents...' band of that year and we've seen them go from strength to strength in
the years since. In 2019 they released 'Why Aren't You Laughing?' - an album that shines a light on their intoxicating combination of message and melody -
and made a triumphant and captivating return to the Roadburn stage.
Having long been fans of their output, and knowing that they were the sort of artists that could take an idea and run with it, we were also convinced that
they would relish the task of creating a commissioned piece for Roadburn Festival. Due to social restrictions, the core writing duo of Thomas and Milena
commenced the writing for this project at home; the performance will feature the full GOLD line up as the debut this cathartic and bold creation. As
articulate as always, we'll let Milena explain the origins of This Shame Should Not Be Mine...
"In the silence of the lockdown and our active lives shutting down there was room to overthink everything. It blocked me completely. I didn't feel like writing.
In an attempt of getting myself to write, I played my cello and created some melodies. Words came intuitively. I didn't give much attention to them. Reading
those words back later, it became clear to me that I was writing about my darkest and deepest secret. So I allowed myself the freedom to explore. I gave
myself permission to feel it. I took time to shake off the shame I was feeling. And I tried to find the register of expressing my distress. Trauma and stigma -
and the loneliness and stress that come with it - have shaped me. I shed some light on the ferocious complexity of my personal experience. And with that I
shed light on any taboo that is part of reality. This piece of music and the performance of it will make what has been invisible, visible. It will keep me
company when I feel alone and it can bring comfort to others that carry a similar 'invisible' with them.
'This Shame Should Not Be Mine' is a powerful piece on stigma, shame, loneliness and rejection. It explores my personal trauma and it explores a new
sound. We loved experimenting over the past few weeks. We started our writing process from a whole different perspective. We weren't able to rehearse a
whole lot with the full band. So we had to create from our home. With influences from all over, using synths, samples and electronics. It's hard to be this
public about something this private. But we also know it can have a healing effect to address such trauma, not only for us but also for the listener. We
want to welcome you in that world and hope you'll find it comforting."
We will perform This Shame Should Not Be Mine at Roadburn 2021's hybrid event that will take place between April 16-18.
You can join and RSVP on!